Assessment Schedule
Assessment Schedule
Please use the link below to view the current schedule of assessments. Some dates may be subject to change. This document will be continually updated as we learn of any changes. Please contact your school if you have specific questions.
2024-25 High School Assessment Schedule 2024-25 District Assessment Schedule
Registration & Test Dates
April 2025 ACT
All juniors will take the ACT on April 9, 2025 at school starting at 8:20 a.m. Students do NOT need to register for the exam; that will be taken care of through the school.
Many times students choose to take the ACT or SAT more than once. Students who are interested in becoming a teacher should also plan to take the essay portion of the ACT or SAT since this component may meet testing requirements during college.
Please contact Ms. Thomas with questions 815-206-4346.
Optional practice exam offered to 9th and 10th grade students to help them prepare for the exam - April 10, 2025.
Registration Test Dates
PSAT / NMSQT • Oct. 26, 2024
Register on SchooLinks – Optional for ALL JUNIORS and Sophomores
Preliminary SAT
Optional aptitude test for juniors and interested sophomores. This is the test used by the National Merit Scholarship organization.
ACT Prep
ACT 36
District 200 has teamed with ExcelEdge to bring test prep programs to our students. ACT 36 is an eight-week course taught one night per week during January, February, and March to prepare students to tackle the ACT with confidence. Students enroll by credit card on the ExcelEdge website or with cash or check in the Main Office.
The ACT has become a rite of passage for juniors. The ACT is still important for college planning as it is used not only for admissions, but also for placement and scholarship money. To prepare, we have invited ExcelEdge to offer ACT 36.
A leader in Midwest test preparation, ExcelEdge has meticulously analyzed the ACT to ensure students receive a highly specialized program tailored to the test. Students can count on experienced instructors who are certified content specialists to teach point-producing offensive and defensive strategies to navigate difficult items. The ExcelEdge teaching team will show students exactly what to expect on this test. We will teach how to eliminate choices, how to answer items quickly, and how to maximize scores. To learn more about our program, please use the link above to visit the ExcelEdge website.
Timing is everything. We have deliberately scheduled ACT 36 to wrap up just before the April 9th test date. By spring, students will have mastered junior curriculum, which the exam targets. By completing the program in the weeks just before the ACT, students can master test content and strategy and put these skills to immediate use.
Register for ACT 36. To join the program, which will be held at Woodstock High School, please visit the ExcelEdge website at www.exceledgeinc.com. Tuition is $360, which includes a textbook. Registration and will close on January 6th; a late fee will be added after that date if the class is still available. Other classes and locations are available on the website.
Please reserve these dates (Wednesdays) from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
- Jan. 22
Jan. 29 - Feb. 5
Feb. 12
Feb. 19
Feb. 26 - March 5 (Practice ACT 5:30 - 9:00 p.m.)
March 12
**Class will be postponed and we will add an additional week if school is canceled due to inclement weather or other circumstances.
***Enrollment to this course is limited. Once the class is full, you may join the waitlist. Alternatively, if enrollment is low, the class will be canceled and you will have the option to take the course at another school or receive a refund.
Contact ExcelEdge with any questions about ACT 36. Email info@exceledgeinc.com or call 219-838-0740.
Other Options
All students will be involved with Baylor test prep during core classes. If additional test preparation is desired, other ACT prep options include Chalk Talk after school, and possible opportunities at MCC, Sylvan Learning Center, Huntington Learning Center, www.actstudent.org, www.
ACCESS Testing
Limited English Proficient students will be taking the annual ACCESS test throughout January and early February. This assessment measures English language proficiency through Reading, Writing, Listening & Speaking. Students who are required to take this test will receive notice about the date, time and location for the exams.
Proficiency Testing for Classes Taken Outside of District 200
Students are allowed to take courses outside of D200 and transfer them back to WHS. In this situation, students need to obtain prior approval and follow the necessary steps. Please submit the alternative credit form before enrolling in your class.
Oct. 28, 2024 - Available to Seniors, Juniors and Sophomores ASVAB
The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) is a broad-based career exploration tool that tests a students aptitudes in various areas. The results can help students narrow down future career interests. This is also the test that all branches of the military use to determine career placement for active military members.
Interested students can sign up in the Student Services Office until the day before the test.
AP Exams
AP Exams
- The WHS AP Coordinator is Molly Farber (Email)
- All payments made through Total Registration
- Exams start at 8:00 a.m. for morning and 12 p.m. for afternoon
Total Registration Schedule of AP exams
For more information about AP courses and exams, visit the AP & Dual Credit webpage.